I had some fun and wonderful news yesterday morning. I won Doris Castle's Lost Mojo contest!!!! Yipeee! The prize is a $25 GC to her store too!!!! Super Yippeee! I love her style and although I had tons of fun with her 70's style kit doing the LO, I love her soft and flowing style of most of her other kits and can't wait to acquire more! :D
Here's the LO that I created with her cool kit called "Lost Mojo" which you can pick up at ScrapbookGraphics

If you would like to read the journaling or make a comment, you can go to my gallery at DST here.
I was writing you this letter when I heard Amelia upstairs doing something that didn't sound good... so, I go upstairs as the phone rings and answer it... its the realestate agent calling to see how the house is coming along and if its ready to sell... I walk into Amelia's room and although its torn apart (which is to be expected with a small room crammed with lots of toys AND a two year old) nothing seems out of the ordinary.... until the realtor is in the middle of a sentence and Amelia walks by and I see a large white clump of "something" in her hair at the back... at first it didn't click but then... oh no!.... yup, sure enough, I go in and the large canister of Balmex diaper rash cream is covered with it ... on the outside!!! And then I notice, the changing table, the changing cover, a stuffed animal toy, a really nice Hawaiian quilt... her pants and then horror of horrors, her face... near her mouth!!! This all happens while I'm still on the phone with the realtor! Thankfully she's understanding and gets off the phone quick after saying she'll be coming over later with her husband to check on something we had talked about earlier. So first I try to get Amelia in order and except for the face and hair and a some whitishness to her pants, she seems fine. So I take the canister down, wipe it off with a cloth and read, "Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, call poison control immediately." OK, ok, don't panic, don't panic I say to myself... I go downstairs call 911 and they connect me to poison control... and as poison controls connects... Amelia falls and hits her chin! And she's unconsolable... screaming crying to the point I can barely hear poison control person who no doubt thinks the crying is poison related.... sheeshhhhh! So, miraculously through the crying, I answer her questions and she tells me that it should be ok because they normally don't eat so much because its thick and hard to swallow... but does she know my DD I ask myself? Hmmmmm.... so give her water she says... which I do.... and then I go upstairs to survey any more damage and to contain that which has already been contaminated by the white smearing mess that doesn't want to go away easily... all the while asking Amelia if she ate a lot... she's babbling and saying yes and no because to her they're all the same... when I key in on the fact that she keeps mentioning our dog Hoku... and then it slowly and horrifyingly dawns on me... the DOG! She fed it to the dog... and we have a lab mix who eats anything and everything!!!! So I start calling her ... and calling her ... and calling her... now we don't have a big house by any means so for her to not only not hear me but to not come (I'm using my sweet "I love you doggie" voice) is getting me a little scared... my creative imagination which is good for scrapbooking isn't so good when put to the task of envisioning a dog that just ate loads and loads of something that says, call poison control immediately on it! I will admit that there are definitely days that I wish I didn't have a dog but when it comes down to it, I would never really want her to go... and especially not THAT way! Egahds!!! So I go running downstairs and turn the corner all the time calling for the dog, only to realize that while trying to get things straightened away, I had locked her in the basement!!! Whew!!! Still, our usually all black (well super dark brown really) dog has big splotchy toddler sized handprints in white all along her side! Does the fun ever end?!??! So, I try to clean her up best I can and looking at my wreck of a house (remember I said we are moving and I'm cleaning out closets that have been closed for two years, gulp) I decide its best to get Amelia in the tub instead of try to straighten up. So about five minutes after I get the shampoo in her hair, the doorbell rings!!! Right! Of course, I knew something else was gonna happen... so as much as I hate to do it, I tell Amelia to stay in the tub I'll be right back... and I run down to the door... and its the realtor and her husband. They wanted to check on something (that's necessary) in the back and they can't get through the gates as they would normally do because the snow is blocking them closed. Sighhhhh. So, as much as I abhor the thought, I open my door to let them in... into my super, super messy house with tons of stuff scattered everywhere, laundry flung down the stairs which was going to be put into a basket to go downstairs... dishes in the sink, stuff, stuff, stuff EVERYWHERE! Ughhhhhhhhh! So, they say no problem and they go through the house (more mess in other rooms) and outside... then I rush, rush, rush Amelia out of the tub and desperately try to assemble some order in my home... at least enough to make me feel like I'm not a complete wreck of a housekeeper... and they come back in and thankfully leave quick enough so I make lunch for Amelia and set her up then fix myself a bowl of the same pasta, pull the chair out to sit down.... and the dog throws up!!! OH MAN! Can I tell you that I am the absolute last person you want to clean up throw up? Give me the stinkiest most disgusting diaper and I'm fine but a little throw up and my stomach revolts against me, against gravity, against everything and then some! So, with my yummy dish of pasta sitting there almost saying "na na na na na na na," I go to clean up the mess...
OK, that's my day so far... how about you?
what an eventful day you had!
I didn't realize you were updating your blog again! I added it to my list to read!
Woo Hoo Rebecca - I've linked ya. Love that layout. Hope no more dog vomits today my friend :( LOL thanks for sharing with us ALL!
Oh my word - what a day you had. I had to rush over here from Barb's blog to read all about it. HOpe toddler & dog are free from poisonous substances today. Thanks for the giggles at your expense.
LOL Sorry to laugh.. but sometimes our most worst moments are the most memorable.. :) Love your story. :) Glad to know I am not the only one that is constantly on my toes all the time :)
Hope everyday after that one is much better and easier to handle.. although she is not a teen yet So I wish you luck then. :)
Oh boy! That sounds like the first day our house was showing. I had moved a small bookcase into the living room (empty of books). My DD nonchalantly walks by and slips and hits the corner/edge of the bottom shelf and nicks open the outer edge of her ear. It bleeds some but I know there is no way that the edges will stay together on their own. So I call the doctor's office (it's lunch time there) and will be fit in right after lunch. So we eat lunch and then head here. On our way to the exam room, I get a call from another Realtor asking if she can show our house in a short time period -- I said, no this time as we are currently at the doctor's office and not sure how long that will be and we have another showing later that night. DD gets the dermabond (medical superglue) and does well. We head back home and finish getting it ready. So needless to say it was not as nice as I would have liked it. DD's ear healed nicely and the house didn't sell. LOL
Your days sounds a little like some of my days.
The joys of dogs and toddlers
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