Thankfully these are totally fat free and amazingly calorie free too! But they still look yummy to me! Lol... hopefully you'll think so too. There are all the letters of the alphabet, numbers plus a question mark, exclamation point and a period... hopefully that's all you'll need. The drop shadow you see is only for viewing purposes and you will find these flat, all contained in one file which of course I do not want any bloody pirates getting into their greedy lil' hands! Avast ye matey's be kind and direct their sails to my waters where I'll give them my booty or someone will kick them in theirs!!! ;)
I did these quite a while ago for a freebie during a Christmas in July crop and I'm still not sure if they got handed out or not... sooooo, I'm thinking I would really like to know they get used or at least appreciated...

sooooo.... hint, hint, hint... please leave a little something in my oven of lovin' for my baked goods!
Here's where you can find these yummies, all nice and warm... straight out of my harddrive! :D
Super cute alpha! Thanks!!
These are so cute....thanks a lot :)
These do look "yummy"! Thanks cg
These are adorable! Thanks for sharing!!
They look great - thank you !
jummy jummy...
thanks for baking these fantastic cookies...
What a good idea! I never saw that kind of alpha! It's really great. Thank you much for sharing
Thank you! I love cookies!!
Thank you, they'll be great for my Christmas LO's. ;)
Can we say.. Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!
Thank you!
They're so realistic that they really do make me hungry! Thanks!
love the cookies, thanks so much.
Thank you! They look Delicious!
Thanks so much, love them, they will be great for "Christmas Cookie" layouts!
Love these. Thanks for sharing.
Your cookies are adorable, and perfect for the holidays. Thank you for sharing!
What a unique alpha and so cute too. Thanks for sharing
Oh humm... Thank you for sharing it !
And when did you learn to digi-Bake such SWEET cookies??! They look yummy they're making me want a cookie :) Can see the layouts wrapped with pretty boxs or tins, tissue to put the cookies in, ribbon, bows and a fabulous card. Thanks for such a yummy treat and inspiration!! :)
Thanks your the best chef around
They look so yummy!! Thank you for sharing them, appreciate it.
delicious! thanks for the cutie!
Just awesome I love them!!! Thank you for sharing!! Now I am hungry ..lol!!
So totally unique, so totally realistic, so totally awesome and so totally appreciated...thank you!
Adorable...thank you
Very cut alpha and perfect for my cookie swap pics! Thank you. :)
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